No Worries!
I have opted to discontinue making posts on this particular blog; however, DO NOT be alarmed! I know several of you have recently found this site. I am not going to stop posting different storage ideas, I jsut won't be posting them here. I will be posting on 101 Ways To Scrap. I have transferred all posts from here to 101 Ways To Scrap. If you do not find a certain post over there, not to worry.....the post will be there. I promise! This other blog will contain not only storage solutions but different techniques, Design Studio files and much much more! I will not delete this blog either! All of the information contained here will remain here. You will be able to continue to access the information here as long as Blogger will allow it.
I hope this is no inconveniece to you. I decided to combine these two blogs for easier access (for you) to some wonderful information and links.
As always, if you have some ideas you would like to share, I would be thrilled to post it!
Don't forget to also visit The Scrapbook Speedway! This is my main blog and also has a ton of wonderful information, sketches, products, and tons more!